In the commentary article from the The Huffington Post, "Obama's Escalating Robot War in Pakistan is Making a Terror Attack More Likely", the columnist Johann Hari explores the drone plane attacks in the Middle East. His article begins with a statement that makes the reader imagine their life in another person's position. It prompts the reader to ask the question, what if my life were affected by robot plane bombings? Our government won't admit that such programs exist. The idea for this type of attack method is that it's easier to kill a person, than take them prisoner because there are little questions about killings. If we were to take a person prisoner, we would bear the responsibility of that person's life. The attacks from these robot planes are causing more fatalities among innocent citizens than those of the jihadi. The bombings from these drone planes pushes the people who practice jihadism to retaliate. The information provided in this article influences a person to believe that we (Americans) are the cause of our war. David Kilcullen has shown that two percent of the people killed by the robot planes are jihadis. The remaining 98% of the people killed are innocent. The use of these drone planes are a threat to the United States because it angers people in Pakistan causing them to attack, which makes jihadism worse. The best way to deal with jihadism is to strip them of their best recruiting tools, so they have no way of gaining new followers. Hari makes it a point to illustrate the secrets the government attempts to conceal from the rest of society. His article explains the tactics used when going through with an attack. The statistical data and professional reports he receives, provides back up for the main idea of this article: is it okay for America to kill innocent people? Hari does not appeal to a particular audience, but strives to incorporate people from all over the country. He wants the U.S. to be informed on this topic, because our country may be attacked one day. If Americans are more knowledgeable on the robot plane attacks, then we can get involved and try to stop these atrocities.
I agree with the everything Hari stated in his article. I don't agree with jihadism, but the jihidis who are retaliating are angered by the death of innocent people. I believe that the government should be more tactful in avoiding innocent bystanders. Just because a person resides in a specific area should not make them a target. Professor John Cole states, "When you bomb people and kill their family...they will be." This statement lead me to believe that we are the main cause of our problems. If we handled conflicts more gingerly, the war with the Middle East would not be so drastic.
Hari, Johann. "Obama's Escalating Robot War in Pakistan is Making a Terror Attack More Likely", The Huffington Post. 15 Oct. 2010
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